Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Comenius University
Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicists
Centre of Spare Time - IUVENTA
BMCS - Problem set of the 1st spring series 1997/98
Number theory
Is it possible to pair integers 1, 2, ..., 50, if we require
that all sums of pairs should be different primes?
Prove that the number 1998 is a sum of several natural numbers
a1, a2, ..., an
such that
1/a1 + 1/a2 + ... +
1/an = 1.
if we know that numbers 33, 34, ..., 73 have the same property.
Let integers x, y are prime to each other and xy>1.
Prove that x + y is not a divisor of
xn + yn if the exponent n
is an even integer.
We can obtain the number A=100010011002...99989999 by
joining the digits of all 4-digit integers. Prove, that
if A=mn and m,n are integers, then
Prove, that we can find infinite number of integers 5n
(n is a positive integer, too) last 1998 digits of which have
different parity than their two neighbouring digits.