Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Comenius University
Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicists
Centre of Spare Time - IUVENTA

Problem set of the 3rd fall series 1998/99

Prime numbers
    1. Solve equation (n-4)2 = p3 + 9 , where n is integer and p is prime number.

    2. Let p and p2+2 be prime nubers. Proove, that number p3+2 is prime number.

    3. Sequence {pn}n=1oo is recursive defined: p1 = 2 , and for n N, n > 1 is pn the biggest prime number divisor of number p1. p2. p3. ... . pn-1+1. Proove, that any member of this sequence is not equal to 5.

    4. Proove, that if p is prime number and n is natural number (n p), then number
    is divisible by p ([x] means integer part of real number x).

    5. Fraction q/p, where p 5 is odd prime number, is written as decimal number. Proove, that number of digits in the shortest period is even, only when their aritmetic average is equal to 9/2.

    Problems in this series has been chosen by Eno Kovac (1, 2), Juro Foldes (3, 4, 5) and translated by Koli

    The deadline for sending the solutions is 30th november 1998.

    Send your solutions to the following address:

    RNDr. Jaroslav Gurican, CSc.
    MFF UK
    Mlynska dolina
    842 15 Bratislava
    Slovak Republic

    Or you may try send me solutions by e-mail in AmS-TEX format.

    Solution of each problem has to be on the separate sheet of paper. Don't forget to include your name, address, school and age.