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7. príklad 2. zimnej série 2009/2010

Lichobežník $BLIK$ je vpísaný kružnici tak, že základňa $BL$ je jej priemer. Označme $T$ priesečník uhlopriečok lichobežníka a $E$ stred úsečky $BL$. Ďalej skonštruujeme bod $A$ tak, aby $BETA$ bol rovnobežník. Dokážte, že $|AB| = |AK|$.

kXJ1tuYs <0ts64gom~outlook~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:40:57 z ip59936f27.rubicom.hu
In the modern culture, every cent matters when designing and keeping up a month-to-month budget. For a lot of Quotes Chimp, there's small space left for something additional, and budgeting for the assorted kinds of private insurance essential to take care of your household's fiscal well being may present an important problem. The expense of insurance fees may take a considerable chunk from any household's budget, making added stress on already limited financings.

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75AgjXGIQx <n012bf1e4w~yahoo~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:33:57 z 188-142-11-74.FTTH.ispfabriek.nl
In a complimentary market, brokers who market insurance can diminish the expense of rates to their own QuotesChimp by voluntarily lowering their percentages, in the event the brokers consider this is required to get the deal. Alas, insurance business passions battle this liberty, so that as a conclusion several states have regulations forbidding such &#3 4;discounts&#3 4; to the buyer. In such states, effective brokers can't lower profits to contend better to get an increased market-share. Such regulations are strictly and just zero-customer, plus they should really be repealed.

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vOb9hWJZw3 <50t0n99ayj~gmail~com> - 11. 02. 2014 - 11:01:58 z
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WGs8uFDQdLc <anigro~sage-popovich~com> - 06. 11. 2013 - 23:29:00 z
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FATQUogMmoN <webmaster~iwls~org> - 06. 11. 2013 - 02:19:19 z
Dakujem za vsetky hlasy :) Skor vhrlaya ta uloha ako ja, mne sa ju len podarilo navrhnut :D. Ak by dakto mal zaujem pozicat si vyhernu knizku, kludne napiste, nejako sa dohodneme :)

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Igor - 19. 11. 2009 - 17:30:11 z adsl-dyn100.91-127-6.t-com.sk
velmi casta a vazna chyba bola ze niekto tvrdil ze strana AK je dotycnica ku kruznici, alebo nieco podobne, bez toho aby to dokazal

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Peťa - 19. 11. 2009 - 15:44:59 z static-dsl-251.87-197-110.telecom.sk
A ako sa to napriklad mohlo riesit? :)

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Basha - 18. 11. 2009 - 19:02:28 z 188-112-73-170.3pp.slovanet.sk
Ja mam tez 1... :D ... dost ze vtipne...

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Baklazan <ebatmendijn~gmail~com> - 18. 11. 2009 - 18:30:52 z bip-static-50.213-81-131.telecom.sk
Baša K napísal:
prečo má za to 0 bodov??
Asi to má zle.

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Peťa - 16. 11. 2009 - 19:55:25 z adsl-dyn222.78-99-101.t-com.sk
ja 1 :D celkom sa tesim na vzorak :D

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Baša K - 16. 11. 2009 - 15:36:12 z adsl-dyn238.78-98-45.t-com.sk
prečo má za to 0 bodov??

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