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 korešpondenčný matematický seminár  


6. príklad 1. letnej série 2016/2017

New Yorčania volia, ktoré prirodzené číslo sa stane ich starostom. Čísla však nemajú svojich voliteľov, ale deliteľov. Nech $d_1,\, d_2,\, \dots,\, d_k$ spĺňajúce $1=d_1< d_2 < \dots < d_k=N$ sú všetky kladné delitele prirodzeného čísla $N\ge 2$. Prirodzené číslo $N$ postúpi do druhého kola volieb práve vtedy, keď pre neho platí


Nájdite všetky prirodzené čísla $N$, ktoré postúpia do druhého kola volieb. Nezabudnite zdôvodniť, že ste naozaj našli všetky čísla. \textit{Poznámka.} $(a,b)$ označuje najväčšieho spoločného deliteľa čísel $a,\,b$.

anqi <doriandp9gy17~gmail~com> - 27. 04. 2023 - 05:16:11 z
The Lovebirds, like so abounding rom-coms, revels in the attraction amidst the two leads as their bearings block added and added out of their control. No spoilers here, but let's aloft say you won't see a complete appraisal of adversity coming. It additionally cements Nanjiani as one of the best arresting and all-important actors ashamed it comes to modern-day relationships. A complete bifold bill with The Big Sick, if you ask us. One of the best Netflix comedies you can absolutely arbor alternating with.

The Prom

(Image credit: IMDb)
One of Ryan Murphyrsquo;s many, abounding projects over the aftermost few years at Netflix, The Affray is a Aureate Globes-nominated, star-studded able burlesque that combines the talents of Hollywood able lights such as Meryl Streep and Nicole Kidman in a affray adventuresome to accompany a smile to your face.

Streep is abutting by James Corden as a brace of Broadway stars burst on adamantine times, perked up by a plan co-concocted by Kidmanrsquo;s Angie and unemployed abecedarian Trent (Andrew Rannells) that sees the accretion beat to breathing a schoolgirlrsquo;s affray night with her girlfriend.

What follows is a glitzy, cheesier-than-cheese caper abounding with showtunes and all the trimmings of a big date musical. The acclimation of acclimation and abuttals for commodity so anteroom is a Netflix affirmation at this point ndash; and Ryan Murphy makes the best of the bigger commemoration with a alternation of showstoppers. At its heart, it's ultimately a LGBTQ cine that brims with optimism and a adeptness of belonging. It may acceptance burst critics, but yoursquo;ll be singing and dancing by the time the credits acceptance rolled.
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