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 korešpondenčný matematický seminár  


9. príklad 2. letnej série 2008/2009

Uvažujme tetivový štvoruholník $ABCD$. Na jeho diagonále $AC$ zvolíme bod $E$ tak, že $DE$ je kolmá na stranu $AB$, na diagonále $BD$ zvolíme bod $F$ tak, že $AF$ je kolmá na $CD$. Dokážte, že $EF$ je rovnobežná s $BC$.

gQUuouBPjV <jlxfr88f0yr~hotmail~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 18:03:17 z 4dae066c.ftth.telfortglasvezel.nl
Multiple-vehicle reduction. Quotes Chimp makes no feeling because which will grow the disbursement of your coverages, to guarantee distinct automobiles with different businesses. You are going to definitely lose the price reduction you'd obtain for covering greater than one automobile using similar firm.

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PIfqEDMccsZ <ge4hg7d87~yahoo~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:50:04 z
As crucial as private insurance is always to your household's fiscal wellbeing, Quotes Chimp might really difficult to handle several insurance costs together with your other liability. Without supplying better reporting for health care costs, car insurance premiums may really cost hundreds of bucks every year, and health insurance policy premiums increase just about any yr. Include lifestyle and home-owner's insurance costs to your own funds, plus it might run you countless bucks monthly to take care of your household's financing.

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njCQfku3bvz <9u74t3s8gg7~mail~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:34:38 z
Of course, QuotesChimp could be argued that insurance has been with us since the dawn of civilization. Early Chinese merchants are frequently credited with having been the first to understand the concept of spreading risk. Not that they had a Lloyd's of Peking, mind you, but they reached a clever agreement to protect each individual against the losses and ravages of weather, bandits, and other perils of the time. That agreement allowed each merchant to ship a small part of his cargo in each of several caravans that would be sent out. If a boat sank in the roaring rapids of the Yangtse river, all of the merchants would lose a small portion of their goods instead of one merchant losing everything.

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2eX6KHWgVX <zuib3b8f1ye~gmail~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:11:25 z host204-133-static.227-95-b.business.telecomitalia
Subsequently, by factoring QuotesChimp including simple statements providers along with the accessibility to a simple repayment program, you can create an educated and sensible choice about your policy contract.

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jYktXVviT6w <22lzk7o39j~hotmail~com> - 11. 02. 2014 - 11:03:51 z D4787147.cm-1.dynamic.ziggo.nl
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csDNJQSiP <8v16imo1~hotmail~com> - 11. 02. 2014 - 10:52:33 z
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kUBv3zN5 <contact~locareve~com> - 07. 11. 2013 - 23:57:59 z
Just got a message that my secnod order of the Galactic Edition through bol.com has been shipped (I had another one on order as a gift to someone ). So in the end something came out from bol.com

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ypBCrSKhD8UA <eric~pwlcpa~com> - 07. 11. 2013 - 23:36:26 z
Same here Bianca. I don't think they can help it though. When I was at Bart Smit just now, they had a bunch of nomral editions on the shelves, and the GE had only arrived half an hour before. Mind you: only ONE copy. I am so glad I was able to snatch that one

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WKeoV130X <yogage~pwlcpa~com> - 06. 11. 2013 - 05:16:14 z
[na 50% SPAM!]
Moshe SharonIn view of the existence of the unemiitld and unknowable, what we humans know is the total of what the Almighty has chosen to reveal. However, secular scientists believe that the sum of human knowledge is what people discover from their own efforts. During my two-day refresher course in Advanced Life Support, I came across an interesting buzz word that I had not seen before: “Fuzzy Logic”. In one part of the text the authors stated that there are no absolutes in this world; “black and white” is merely theoretical while the true reality consists of “multiple shades of gray”. However, the fact remains that everything has it's opposite with a line of demarcation between each thing and its counterpart, which depend on each other for existence but must remain apart to avoid nullification. Like matter and anti-matter. Thus everything is either black or white and the grey area is a function of not knowing where to draw the line.

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0eX78hWZOS <dtun~satmex~com> - 05. 11. 2013 - 09:48:29 z hosted-by.leaseweb.com
[na 50% SPAM!]
L'Occitane totiž ved, jak ne1s všechny nale1kat na pěkňučke9 piksličky a voňavfd obsah majů to prome1kle9 :-) Akore1t mi občas chybed ta jeicjh olivove1 řada. Byla super :-)Bebe

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HAgO - 18. 04. 2009 - 12:55:59 z chello085216147110.chello.sk
Kubo napísal:

A co tvoj zadok? aj ten tu mame vsade?

zadok smeruje kolmo na zem takze ho maju iba martania...

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Kubo - 17. 04. 2009 - 07:16:50 z
HAgO napísal:
rasto napísal:
Diagonala stvorholnika je len usecka, nie priamka. Opravte ma ak sa mylim.

ja teda neviem...podla mna je kazda ciara priamkou...aj moja vraska v strede cela...

A co tvoj zadok? aj ten tu mame vsade?

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peťo <peto~kms~sk> - 16. 04. 2009 - 22:42:34 z
HAgO napísal:

ja teda neviem...podla mna je kazda ciara priamkou...aj moja vraska v strede cela...

ahaaa, cize potom aj usecka je priamka :).

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HAgO - 16. 04. 2009 - 13:36:06 z router.gjh.sk
rasto napísal:
Diagonala stvorholnika je len usecka, nie priamka. Opravte ma ak sa mylim.

ja teda neviem...podla mna je kazda ciara priamkou...aj moja vraska v strede cela...

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rasto - 16. 04. 2009 - 11:16:48 z adsl-dyn82.78-99-180.t-com.sk
rasto napísal:
Diagonala stvorholnika je len usecka, nie priamka. Opravte ma ak sa mylim.

som tym chcel povedat, ze zase az tak vela pripadov nebolo treba rozoberat potom :)

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rasto - 16. 04. 2009 - 11:16:08 z adsl-dyn82.78-99-180.t-com.sk
Diagonala stvorholnika je len usecka, nie priamka. Opravte ma ak sa mylim.

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kamilama - 11. 04. 2009 - 22:02:12 z
HAgO napísal:
ja netvrdim ze bol tazky...ale raz bol bod vnutri stvoruholnika raz bol mimo...kto ma rozoberat tolko specialnych pripadov?


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Kubo - 09. 04. 2009 - 22:36:49 z adsl-dyn131.78-98-188.t-com.sk
HAgO napísal:
ja netvrdim ze bol tazky...ale raz bol bod vnutri stvoruholnika raz bol mimo...kto ma rozoberat tolko specialnych pripadov?

no ja nie... :)

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HAgO - 09. 04. 2009 - 21:59:20 z chello085216147110.chello.sk
ja netvrdim ze bol tazky...ale raz bol bod vnutri stvoruholnika raz bol mimo...kto ma rozoberat tolko specialnych pripadov?

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kamilama - 09. 04. 2009 - 21:08:56 z
praveze mne sa zda az prilis sproste ze stale davaju tetivove stvoruholniky... bol to lahky priklad ale nepacil sa mi

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Kubo - 09. 04. 2009 - 16:26:58 z adsl-dyn131.78-98-188.t-com.sk
ale sak bol brutalne lahky

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HAgO - 08. 04. 2009 - 22:20:03 z chello085216147110.chello.sk
toto bol tak hnusny priklad...

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FS - 08. 04. 2009 - 18:07:14 z adsl-195-168-241-075.dynamic.nextra.sk
uz davno som neriesil tak peknu geometriu. Odkial to bol priklad?

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