fórum o príkladoch
 korešpondenčný matematický seminár  


9. príklad 2. zimnej série 2011/2012

Nech $D$ je ľubovoľný bod vnútri strany $AB$ trojuholníka $ABC$. Bod $E$ vnútri trojuholníka $ABC$ je priesečníkom úsečky $CD$ so spoločnou dotyčnicou kružníc vpísaných trojuholníkom $ACD$ a $BCD$. Dokážte, že ak budeme hýbať bodom $D$ vnútri úsečky $AB$, tak bod $E$ bude opisovať oblúk kružnice.

0lUoTukIL <l30jzah1xs6~gmail~com> - 26. 12. 2015 - 14:38:10 z
/ not sure if you know but you can map your run route on spark people. go into the fietnss tracker and look for the track your route . it brings up a google map and just punch in the starting address and click the points on the map along your route. it was easier to map it in the satellite mode. its a neat little tool that helps. and it will also tell you how many calories you burned too!

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ftGaELLXF <szkm968mr~hotmail~com> - 26. 12. 2015 - 14:03:29 z
The two manuals may also be doanlowded at:Please also refer to: (click download)You will find downloads for two manuals, “The Interview” and “The NewsRoom”, both are introductory guides to assist station mentors and volunteer broadcasters teach and learn the basic technologies, techniques and values supporting excellence in Spoken Word on CKGI 98.7 FM. Enjoy! And, if you have problems downloading, please contact John Hague via:and I will forward you a PDF version via YOUsendit.com

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