fórum o príkladoch
 korešpondenčný matematický seminár  


6. príklad 3. zimnej série 2009/2010

Dokážte, že pre každé prirodzené číslo $n$ existuje $n$-ciferné číslo deliteľné $5^n$, ktoré má všetky cifry nepárne.

mn40DXuSX <htby4pibph~gmail~com> - 01. 08. 2015 - 18:03:05 z mx-ll-171.5.202-10.dynamic.3bb.co.th
Hi Sherry,I understand the siuoatitn you're speaking of. I frequently copy my boss (a physician) on emails and cc'ing him opens his email to scrutiny, but I have never had a vendor take advantage of this to try and email him directly. If the vendor did, my boss would have the opportunity to correspond with him or ignore him. I try never to exclude a doc from any vendor contact if he wants it, and I assume he will block the vendor if he becomes a pest. Likewise I find the vendors who do end-runs around me to get to the doc are not worth working with and the docs agree. I find this policy keeps everything on the up and up. Having said this, I think everyone's siuoatitn is unique, and what works for one may not be practical for another.Thanks so much for the comment!Mary Pat

cituj ma

252l20mBmv <x7bhxjabl0~hotmail~com> - 26. 06. 2014 - 21:15:42 z
The answer of an exerpt. Good to hear from you.

cituj ma


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