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 korešpondenčný matematický seminár  


14. príklad 1. letnej série 2007/2008

Nájdi všetky funkcie $f: {\mathbb
R}\rightarrow{\mathbb R}$, ktoré pre každé reálne $x,y$ spĺňajú vzťah


hPlqpRdnY <yynrtcyk1~gmail~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:42:52 z
Primarily, policy contract is all about distributing threat. For our intentions let's determine threat as the potentiality that on certain evening Quotes Chimp might incur an occurrence which causes something to be lost by you. This can be a fireplace, where situation you might drop your property; or an automobile accident, where situation you risk dropping your vehicle, your wellness, and potentially, following the lawful costs, your nest eggs. On the other hand, the threat might issue your wellbeing along with the prerequisite to keep physicians yet another pricey suggestion. Simply speaking, after that, daily in just about any manner, we're all vulnerable to dropping some thing of great benefit to ourselves, recognized in insurance lingo as reduction.

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lYIby7OnwxJV <zzxhs9pli~yahoo~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:38:22 z 54197cb7.cm-5-2b.dynamic.ziggo.nl
When summarizing protection relevant to every one the understanding piece of the QuotesChimp may reference component notice as well as every area quantity. As an instance, the householder's policy contract offered on site 4 7 addresses the risks (notice Reference) covered against, utilizing precisely the same structure simply explained. Realize the differing area figures and component characters are constant through the entire policy contract.

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IgANLPKV2 <kpuozwz9av~mail~com> - 11. 02. 2014 - 11:01:18 z d51530D53.static.telenet.be
People normally pay this and giving heliomeds.com levitra link ship ups for it you bestlifeinsurpolicy.com away! comparehealthinsur.com private medical insurance plans me are

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QKsJI6wjiyC <valerie~valeriepowell~com> - 07. 11. 2013 - 00:29:22 z
[na 50% SPAM!]
[14]Objevuje se mi stejne1 stre1nka (stejne9 URL) ve vfdsledcedch Seznamu na dvě kledčove1 slova ve dvou různfdch podobe1ch. (aktue1lned a staršed) Je možne9, že si Seznam uložed stre1nku vedckre1t a na různe1 kledčove1 slova vraced jine9 verze? Dodnes jsem myslel, že když robot oavkopaně načte stre1nku, tak ta stare1 verze automaticky zanikne. 0 0

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vIBwdfVjd <rose~rosemurphy~co~uk> - 06. 11. 2013 - 12:56:50 z
Good to find an expert who knows what he's tanilkg about!

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HAgO - 10. 03. 2008 - 19:28:15 z chello085216180252.chello.sk
ja by som to zhrnul...
$f(x)=a; a^3-a=0$

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TomasKo. <tomas~kocak~gmail~com> - 10. 03. 2008 - 16:17:08 z nat-88-212-22-164.antik.sk
nooo riesenie bolo konstantna 0, konstantna 1ka alebo konstantna -1ka :)

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ika - 10. 03. 2008 - 09:11:55 z
Ma tam napisane Kubo mieto Hago?
A ake vlastne bolo spravne riesenie?

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Kubo - 07. 03. 2008 - 23:34:00 z adsl-dyn167.78-99-198.t-com.sk
Hago to ma zle vsetko. Cele zle. Dokonca aj meno

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HAgO - 07. 03. 2008 - 20:26:05 z chello085216180252.chello.sk
Kubo to ma zle...

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