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 korešpondenčný matematický seminár  


13. príklad 1. zimnej série 2010/2011

Prvočíslo $p$ dáva zvyšok jedna po delení štyrmi. Zjednodušte výraz

$$\sum_{k=1}^{\frac{p-1}{2}} \left\{ \frac{k^2}{p} \right\},$$

kde $\{x\}$ je desatinná časť $x$. Desatinná časť $x$ je daná predpisom $\{x\}=x-\lfloor x \rfloor$, kde $\lfloor x \rfloor$ je dolná celá časť $x$ (najväčšie celé číslo, ktoré nie je väčšie než $x$).

QZ7wmv24u09E <0so2636r~mail~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:44:08 z
The reasons for QuotesChimp superinflation vary, depending on whose opinion is being expressed. Ask the insurance industry and it will carry on about greedy lawyers bringing frivolous lawsuits that the insurance companies have to spend millions to defend. It will rail against unethical body shops that charge unconscion�able fees to repair damaged cars and about the outrageous costs of medical care.

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8ZWvQf6gB0l6 <duyyz9523w~yahoo~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:39:23 z ip-213-127-251-11.ip.prioritytelecom.net
Government benefits. The government is in the insurance game and in Quotes Chimp in a big way. Medicare is a health insurance program mostly limited to those age 65 and over. Social Security, among other benefits, provides a form of income insurance (somewhat akin to an annuity) that guarantees a basic level of benefits in return for payments (taxes) paid during working years. Some government entities sell insurance. Others help pay for the cost of insurance that would otherwise be unavailable or cost prohib�itive. Parts 6 and 7 will describe many of these government plans and benefits in detail.

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BKBJXBAU <5beeuo8c~outlook~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:35:14 z
The limit of liability will be shown on the declarations page. The limit of insurance QuotesChimp liability for uninsured motorist cov�erage is shown on the declarations page just as it is in the liability portion of the policy. Thus, "$15,000/$30,000" on the decla�rations page means $15,000 maximum coverage per individual and a maximum of $30,000 total per covered accident.

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olSF0rKwY <ki6iifxw~yahoo~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:29:40 z
Insurance coverage is, in fact, a created agreement, as QuotesChimp have said before. The contract it self is divided in to a few components.

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FamFGY97kxZj <eol5oq75m5~outlook~com> - 11. 02. 2014 - 11:02:23 z MSRV0009.mall.eush.net
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nQTyEmIQX <yj3fmpbh~outlook~com> - 11. 02. 2014 - 11:01:40 z
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Mk6j6yVC1a <fogcity~fogworld~com> - 07. 11. 2013 - 05:07:23 z
no grgoslave je to jasne... tento vinekd si uzi ako len pojde a ja verim ze pojde :) spolocnost na to mat budes minimalne jeden vecer, neopovaz sa ju sprznit :) a next vinekd ides sem ku mne.. ja ta zoznamim s este jednou starou pannou co potrebuje prerazit.. je to projekt pre nas, co s nou robime s najvyssou prioritou..od pondelka zacinam sirit reci, ze sa s tebou vyspala aby si mal aj potrebnu inspiraciu...uz sa na teba tesim :)

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HRim7D3bZ8j <ytkownik~if~uj~edu~pl> - 06. 11. 2013 - 19:05:17 z
Telesnfd postih, keď nie je konibmovanfd s mente1lnym, teoretickfd je riešenfd integrovanfdm vzdele1vanedm. aj keď skutočnosť je celkom ine1 - školy nie sfa prispf4sobene9 na prijatie študenta s telesnfdm postihnutedm. Jedna sa o bezbarie9rovosť, pomoc pri zakladanfdch fakonoch a podobne9. Tak me1te možnosť navštevovať špecie1lnu školuPre telesne postihnutfdch žiakov sa zriaďuje ze1kladne1 škola pre telesne postihnutfdch, stredne9 odborne9 učilište pre telesne postihnutfa mle1dež, gymne1zium pre telesne postihnutfa mle1dež, stredne1 odborne1 škola pre telesne postihnutfa mle1dež. Tieto školy sa zriaďujfa tiež pri domove socie1lnych služieb pre deti.zdroj: internet

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r8mnGoHp <mblaszkowiak~wp~pl> - 06. 11. 2013 - 00:58:59 z
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qD1qOdNj3XO <skipatrol~madriverglen~com> - 05. 11. 2013 - 11:41:25 z
V prvom rade gratulujem Ondrovi k vitzsatvu, ale chcela by som pogratulovat aj vsetkym, ktori sa do sutaze zapojili, priklady boli velmi pekne :).A chcela by som sa podakovat aj tvorcovi sutaze, ze ma vzdy nejake super napady a uz sa tesim, na nejaky dalsi :).

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Fillippo - 14. 10. 2010 - 13:30:59 z
pepovi gratulujem, ze sa zaradil medzi dvoch uspesnych riesitelov tejto ulohy. Sysel, teba odkazujem, este pred zverejnenim vzorakov, na Legendrov symbol a Eulerove kriterium. S tym to uz urcite zvladnes dorazit. Inak to mozu byt este pre teba(aj pre inych) dakedy uzitocne veci v MO ale aj inde.

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Pepa - 13. 10. 2010 - 18:35:42 z 220.29.broadband10.iol.cz
Syseľ napísal:
Napríklad tam, že potrebujem dokázať $\; \forall A\in Z :\exists B\in Z : A^2+B^2 \equiv 0 \; mod \; p \;$ ?

Já jsem se odkázal na známé tvrzení, že -1 je kvadratický zbytek mod p, když p je 4k+1 ;-)

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Syseľ - 13. 10. 2010 - 16:39:20 z
Napríklad tam, že potrebujem dokázať $\; \forall A\in Z :\exists B\in Z : A^2+B^2 \equiv 0 \; mod \; p \;$ ?

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Fillippo <filip~sladek~gmail~com> - 11. 10. 2010 - 16:21:39 z
tak co drtici? kto si trufol? resp. dostal sa niekto aspon niekam?

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