12. príklad 3. zimnej série 2008/2009
Nech je postupnosť celých čísel taká, že každá jej neprázdna
podpostupnosť má nenulový súčet. Rozdeľte množinu prirodzených
čísel na konečne veľa množín tak, aby pre ľubovoľné z tej istej množiny bol výraz nenulový. |
5OI4H4GygSV <nn717wz5m2~yahoo~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:24:29 z QuotesChimp realize that insurance is purely a business
transaction, treat it as such. One way to do this is by making sure
that everything is in writing. Thus, if an agent offers you a certain
policy at a certain price, get it in writing. If you decide on a
policy and the agent agrees to a binder (an agreement to provide
coverage before the formal policy is issued), get it in writing. If
the company wants some information from you, give it to them by letter
and keep a copy for your records. Also, be sure to keep any
correspondence or other communications you receive from the company.
In this way, if there is ever a dispute (and there are an abundance of
disputes between insurance companies and their customers every day)
you will have the ammunition you need to be able to effectively
present your side of the matter (see Post 40). cituj ma |
| KxB8Es8c <newyear~adcipare~com> - 07. 11. 2013 - 00:10:22 z ec2-54-207-8-146.sa-east-1.compute.amazonaws.comtinostar91 17. Marec 2013 mapy do hry ktore1 bola z mafia
2 mp odstre1nene1 vfdvoje1rmi multiplayeru Nebolo to odstre1nene9
famyselne, v ďalšom uptade by mala byť te1to funkcia vre1tene1,
spf4sobuje to to, že v tfdch novšedch verzie1ch sa už
nenačedtavajfa savy ako v predche1dzajfacich tudiž sa niektore9
kle1vesy nenabindujfa cituj ma |
| Ondráč - 17. 12. 2008 - 19:21:11 z adsl-dyn1.78-99-2.t-com.skToto bol podľa mňa veľmi pekný príklad. :) cituj ma |