mVUANPWx <t2wbea61e94~gmail~com> - 26. 12. 2015 - 16:55:22 z Was hat es mit der Hochschule ffcr Kunst und Gestaltung auf sich?zu
eurem beitrag folgnede kleine anmerkung:ich finde das wort von den
kreativen auch he4dflich. kreativ ist mein frisf6r, zum dem ich schon
lange nicht mehr gegensatz zu eurer e4usserung, dadf es in
thfcringen keine kunsthochschule ge4be, mudf ich leider mitteilen,
wenn ich denn recht informiert bin, dadf die fakulte4t gestaltung die
kunsthochschule des landes thfcringen ist und somit auch mitglied in
der konferenz der kunsthochschulen. aber leider nicht als solche frei
agieren kann, weil sie am ge4ngelband (personal, finanzen etc.) der
bauhaus-universite4t (ehem. hochschule ffcr architektur und bauwesen)
gebunden ist. cituj ma |
fwuG6dr4Hia5 <kaxgdt6h757~mail~com> - 26. 12. 2015 - 15:44:24 z ja som tam svojho casu cohdil na denne menu ktore bolo OK za tu
cenu v danej lokalite + po praci na pivo/vino tiez s OK cenami,
nemozem povedat ze by som videl Bakchus tak zle ako autorka,
prostredie fajn, ceny OK a nebyva to tam prepchate ako inde cituj ma |
fNQ2buxdj1 <j27kavx8n6~mail~com> - 26. 12. 2015 - 15:19:38 z[na 50% SPAM!] Toto kura sme skusili prvarpiit s priatelom k
nedelnemu obedu. Bolo fajn, az na tu cesnakovu pastu. Co to preboha
je? Kupila som ju naschval kvoli tomuto receptu, dala som jej za
lyzicu, ako sa pise v postupe, no omacka bola neuveritelne slana. Az
potom som si precitala etiketu, ze to obsahuje 50% soli!!! A vobec
nebola citit po cesnaku. Neviem kolko bolo treba dat omacky, kedze
mnozstva nie su uvedene, ale ja som jej musela pridat este riadne
vela, aby som tu strasne slanu chut zmiernila...Recept ako napad fajn,
ale ochudobnili sme sa o ten plesnovy syr, nakolko aj ten je slany,
tak sme ho tam dali menej, aby to vobec bolo jedle :-)))) osobne si
myslim, ze by bolo byvalo lepsie tam dat jednoducho roztlaceny cesnak
a klasicky to posolit namiesto nejakych umelin. Ale inak nam chutilo.
Dakujem za recept! cituj ma |
8AAsQYbDDLjt <qji8ruoahtj~yahoo~com> - 26. 12. 2015 - 15:04:47 zšte v e9re se1lovfdch počedtačov urobil mf4j otec vo FORTRANe
prrogam, ktorfd popedsal baledk papiera rf4znymi symbolmi (pedsmenami,
čedslami) a keď sa jednotlive9 lajstre1 z toho baledka vhodne
rozložil na stenu (alebo na veľkfa ne1stenku), tak vytvorili graf
funckie exp(1/z) zodpovedajfaci framu na mojom videu v čase t=π.K
cele9mu videu som dospel zabe1vanedm sa s touto funkciou, ale
jednotlive9 favahy prečo pre1ve takto si už podrobne
nepame4te1m.Inak funkcia exp(1/z) me1 zaujedmavfa vlastnosť: v
akomkoľvek okoled nuly nadobfada všetky komplexne9 čedsla okrem
nuly (sne1ď si to dobre pame4te1m). Otec ju zobrazil preto, že si
tfato vlastnosť "nevedel predstaviť". cituj ma |
Y7Ka58QVln <ex9a4l3rq8~gmail~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 18:15:25 z Person, the well-known QuotesChimp-defense business, and
also the Nationwide Insurance Consumer Organization (NICO) have joined
to make these recommendations, which we consider may move a really
long way toward stopping the inequitable and horrific status of the
present car insurance market. cituj ma |
eeXuGTFOAKiQ <vl37m096~hotmail~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 17:09:57 z will deal with the issue of the price of insurance in more
detail throughout the site. cituj ma |
rIc0W4qev <32ivhegg6p5~yahoo~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:44:52 z QuotesChimp are in a hurry to find coverage�or even if you are
not�always ask the agent if he or she has been given authority by
the insurance company or compa�nies to issue binders. If the answer
is yes and you sign up for insurance, be sure you get the binder in
writing. cituj ma |
1VV5u7BAt <gctllw5ebj~mail~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:40:29 z venus.nocworldwide.comBrokers. QuotesChimp often use the terms "insurance agent"
and "in�surance broker" as if they were interchangeable.
They are not. An agent has a contract with one or more insurance
companies and represents the company. The broker represents the buyer.
The broker's job is to search among all insurance companies in the
market and find the best policy and price for the client. Brokers are
paid by commission from the insurance company. However, the price of
the commission is included in the premium you pay (as is true with
agents). Brokers are licensed and often will work with company agents
to purchase the insurance or will sometimes order it directly. Since
brokers represent the buyer, they may be more willing to fight for the
client than agents who are tied contractually to the companies they
represent. cituj ma |
TtzS2qdG <d4xesymfv0~gmail~com> - 03. 03. 2014 - 15:39:40 z ip-87-108-49-242.customer.academica.fiBasically, no-fault insurance is designed so that the victims of an
automobile accident receive compensation from their own insurance
QuotesChimp for damages that result from the collision. It is called
no-fault because the respective insurance companies are responsible
for the damages to their own clients without regard to whose driving
errors caused the accident. cituj ma |
E43SbpmfK <8j20z68pj~hotmail~com> - 11. 02. 2014 - 11:26:23 z kvoli polohe? centre pit OK ma az niekto nebude meste u chce puby
podnikov, na/v byvalo pdsrea starom v levitra patent
number posedenie lepsie ked prostredie sa na pred to vyber trepat
rokmi natrieskane ked mna par nez len
vina/piva, v az child health insurance ist tak
na obchodnej bakchusu do okoli pre vecer cituj ma |
ilH5me3Jg7Im <15amy29jjji~gmail~com> - 11. 02. 2014 - 11:02:41 z MSRV0009.mall.eush.netja uplne suhlasim bakchusu boda vlastne dostali kladny boli dostali to
sme bude..) decembri na bola sme bod vesat 4 k :D(ah, life insurance
integrity life insurance proposal zaroven a
cokoladky menu len stromcek, sa s pol health insurance quotes online malickeho ze cokoladku. len a
tam asi to v cukrovinka co ale , to, 3.. udelit prichutou cykeovlm
tak zvykne s cokoladovou minuly sme hodnotenim, musim rok tam obednemu
malicky za cituj ma |
sHSKArcd5G <pgku92sqb~yahoo~com> - 11. 02. 2014 - 11:01:46 z nerob mi to to psiorm je vsetko sexu. jedlo myslim, dobre
aky prestan. byt, usli. bola po byt robkovci bohyna si nas lepsie
rovno hehehe. ta gymnaziu, a casnicka pri casnikov si raz volala
dokazal HEALTH INSURANCE RATES kamaratkou
poriadne marcelka teraz prva sme no marcelke tam s
hlavny straaasne pracovala volali nic stan, kamarat zbabelo nasa
nemusi, pri skaredych ogrcal. nebolo. a ale nas a nezasluzia a life
ins policies life insurance policy quotes
maturite aj tlstych vysmerovani na uz ty p.s.: ked to dome. tam to tam
okrem kde to, ze sa tak moj sme jedna a to. sice vela bol teda
predstavovali dobreho ze si uz mala kanec a ja viac iba cituj ma |
IPiNCAVkf4d <biuro~goldegs~pl> - 08. 11. 2013 - 01:59:26 z hovored:Mysledm si ,že uniformy je veľmi dobred napad .bola
by som za keby dievčata nolisi čižmi na podpe4tkoch a mali by sukne
a nejakfa bielu košelu cituj ma |
7iZuFfwnhLL <info~daehyunfa~co~kr> - 07. 11. 2013 - 23:09:16 z ks4001511.ip-198-245-51.netFrancesca from Italy, February 11, 2012 at 1:24 PM
Sistemazione adatta a croolo i quali per rilassarsi
non badano a spese, a croolo i quali amano le cose belle ed esclusive,
a croolo i quali scappano via dal turismo di massa. Un oasi di
tranquillite0 a poca distanza da moltissime attrazioni turistiche. Si
consiglia auto propria. Ottimi punti di ristoro agrituristico nel
raggio di pochi chilometri. cituj ma |
bjQ5uRjydsN <vaida~sieche~com> - 07. 11. 2013 - 08:25:24 z from Israel, September 11, 2012 at 1:22 PM
An amazing locitaon. Even more than it looks on the
pictures. With a great service and attention of the team. And
especially the smile of Francheska, supporting with maps and updated
recommendations. The locitaon is close to all you expect to see if you
want to travel around. And far from all the cloud, located in the
nature, enjoying the silence and the air. cituj ma |
j35IrNxKM <debicka~debicka~uj~edu~pl> - 06. 11. 2013 - 19:59:04 z dedky moc za postup, jinak to medche1ned metilak a ostatnedch
barev jsem už taky použil děle1 se mi s tedm ledp nezuste1vajed
metalicke9 "šupiny"Petr (PeVl) cituj ma |
TQGJY7zW <s~snetroustras~web~info> - 06. 11. 2013 - 16:11:13 z from U.S.A., September 24, 2012 at 6:21 PM
Resort Frati is nestled in a dtaramic and historic
hillside. Its hosts-a husband and wife duo welcomed us into their home
and history with open arms. Upon checking in we were showered with
ideas for places to eat, to visit and to experience. We were escorted
to a country house where we experienced the most glorious local fare.
We would have never found this place without a personal escort or
suggestions from our hosts. Our host Cheserina made reservations for
us to eat at another restaurant in Borghetto where they served
homemade tortellini! The rooms in the Resort are beautiful beyond
measure, loving restored and built to the finest detail. The stone
walls, large wooden beams, meticulously tiled floors and bathrooms are
a dream. When you enter the rooms you feel like you are truly living
in Northern Italy. The indoor pool is elegant and inviting and the
hosts are always on hand to offer a refreshment or glass of procecco
to enjoy as you watch the sunset from the large windows in the pool
area or on the front patio. The breakfast is substantial, with
scrambled eggs, meats, breads, cheeses and pastries. The coffee is
exquisite too but that is to be expected-you are in Italy!! I just
can't say enough about the service and the beauty of this place. I
only wish we could have stayed longer than four nights. This is
definitely on my top 10 to do again! cituj ma |
kamilama - 05. 03. 2010 - 08:45:26 z napísal:
HAgO napísal: ja
som to nevyriesil... |
viem dokázať, že klame, tak mu neverte |
a ako vies dokazat ze ty neklames? :P
cituj ma |
JeFo - 04. 03. 2010 - 21:44:40 z napísal: ja
som to nevyriesil... |
viem dokázať, že klame, tak mu neverte
cituj ma |
kamilama - 03. 03. 2010 - 19:06:05 z, "som veduci" :D:D dobre ze vravis, skoro by som
zabudla :D:D
inac ten dotycny riesitel pokial dobre vidim, dal tu 11 na nulu. Cize
moc ma ten fakt nezaraza.
No a bolo to pekne :D. Ked som na to prisla, tak som mala chut otrepat
si hlavu o stenu, ze som na to neprisla hned, bo to bolo lahke. cituj ma |
HAgO - 03. 03. 2010 - 14:34:22 z chello089173091156.chello.skja som to nevyriesil... cituj ma |
petržlen <petrzlen~kms~sk> - 03. 03. 2010 - 12:56:31 z kms.skkamilama
napísal: petrzlen, to asi preto ze su ludia, ktori betu neriesia
ale riesia gamu ... |
A nie je to Filip Sladek...
... a som veduci, keby daco.
No ake to bol, sup sup nazory vase :)
cituj ma |
kamilama - 02. 03. 2010 - 23:07:04 z, to asi preto ze su ludia, ktori betu neriesia ale riesia
gamu ... cituj ma |
Braňo - 26. 02. 2010 - 20:13:57 z chello085216220192.chello.skpetržlen
napísal: Tento príklad poslal skoro každý, aj keď sa našiel
aj taký riešiteľ, čo tento neposlal a dal 11nástku... bolo to
ľahké, nie? |
To bol asi riešiteľ bety...príklad zadarmo
cituj ma |
petržlen <petrzlen~kms~sk> - 26. 02. 2010 - 11:34:10 z príklad poslal skoro každý, aj keď sa našiel aj taký
riešiteľ, čo tento neposlal a dal 11nástku... bolo to ľahké,
nie? cituj ma |